I'm going to the market

I went to the market, mon p’tit panier sous mon bras (with my little basket), Gilles Vigneault sang (I think it’s him), and later on, this morning, we will go to buy some vegetables, at least, may be some cheeses (with a big S as there is a very good cheeses’ seller in this market), and whatever we will find looking good for our future suppers.

This market, opened twice a week (on thursday and sunday morning) is very big and all stalls are pretty nice!

Ratatouille à ma façon

May be a ratatouille, or what to make chicken-fried vegetables, Asian-style, with garlic and toasted sesame seeds, or why not stuffed tomatoes and peppers (I do like peppers), and probably a roasted chicken for this evening.

Wok de poulet et légumes

It’s times to go!

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