Oups, I did it again!

dotclear 2.13

Avec un changelog pas si petit que ça, finalement (je dis ça à chaque release j’ai l’impression) :

Dotclear 2.13 - 2018-01-13
* 🐘 PHP 5.5+ is required
* 🛡 Security: New password management system (including silent migration)
* 🛡 Security: Add Referrer-Policy header in admin pages
* 🛡 Security: Fix potential XSS - thank's Trí Chim Trích for report
* Dotclear news are now displayed in async way by js
* Dotclear core update check is now done by async js - a forced check may still be done on <admin>/update.php page
* Add utf8mb4 driver (MySQL server 5.7.7+)
* Add target="blank" option in simpleMenu
* Update CKEditor from 4.6.2 to 4.7.3
* Update CodeMirror from 5.25.1 to 5.32.1
* Add required attribute for mandatory fields
* Fix: Avoid horizontal scrolling table when longest comment's usernames in list of comments
* Fix: Cope with MySQLi connection via socket
* Fix: Error messages markup and styling
* Fix: Set caret at the end of the inserted thing (img, url, blockquote, …) in Legacy editor if current selection is empty
* Fix: Cope with query part only in SimpleMenu URLs
* 🐛 → Various bugs and typos fixed
* 🌼 → Some locales and cosmetic adjustments

Dotclear 2.12.2 - merged in 2.13
* Fix: lang attribute was missing on entry alone contexts for currywurst and dotty templatesets
* Fix: Add http:// protocol before media.dotaddict.org for csp_admin_img
* Fix: tpl:sysIf blog_lang generated code
* Fix: Duplicate auto-generated URI (entries)
* Fix: Do not use border and background on select to use the system aspect of them in Firefox.
* Fix: For select element, target Safari to cope with font-size select/option problem.
* Fix: Error messages styling

Enjoy comme disent les grands-bretons !

Sauf qu’à peine avais-je fini de faire cette release le serveur s’est mis HS ! J’arrive même plus à m’y connecter en SSH, c’est ballot :-p

Ah ben maintenant il est ressuscité, ah les nouilles ah \o/

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