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Adobe needs more money and it is not alone

Adobe needs more money and it will not have more from me! Since a couple of months, Adobe decided to switch their pricing plan from perpetual licence, at least for Lightroom — the software I use to “develop” my photos —, to an annual (or monthly) subscription. Counting exactly how many times I had  […]

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I'm going to the market

Ratatouille à ma façon

I went to the market, mon p’tit panier sous mon bras (with my little basket), Gilles Vigneault sang (I think it’s him), and later on, this morning, we will go to buy some vegetables, at least, may be some cheeses (with a big S as there is a very good cheeses’ seller in this market), and whatever we  […]

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Mid-term review

More than half of the Blogvember is done and I thought that it will be more difficult to do this, publishing an english post everyday, even if my english is far to be as fluent as my mother tongue! Anyway, I feel more comfortable when I speakwrite about technology, specially about web development,  […]

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The select/option font-size problem

Switching from Chrome to Firefox brings back to me the very old problem about the way how Firefox displays combobox (dropdown list). The font-size is very small (11 pixels) regarding of the 14 pixels used elsewhere! Looking for that issue on the net and speaking with some guys on Twitter I finally  […]

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Google is fair

Consommation mémoire comparée entre Chrome 62 et Firefox 57

I switched back from Chrome to Firefox yesterday, opening every URLs and so every tabs opened in Chrome, spinning every tabs spinned in Chrome, and so on. 30 tabs in 2 windows, with the same set of extensions, with the standard theme and I checked the number of file descriptors — as older versions  […]

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